Home / Know thyself

As the story goes, once James Joyce sat, rather reluctantly, to have his portrait painted. When asked by Joyce why he was taking so long to paint, the painter reportedly said, “I want to capture your soul.” Joyce responded, “Never mind my soul, make sure you get the tie right.”
Could it be that for James Joyce, his soul was reflected in his tie knot?
Clothes are often central to communicating our sense of self, our very essence.
Most of us know which soap brand we like best, what kind of mustard to eat or some random statistics of a distant sporting team. And we often go to great lengths to fill our lives with the things that fit us and serve us best. Yet, most of us do not know how long our arms are or what our waists and chests measure. Having been subjected to a seemingly unavoidable paradigm by an industry that has us wearing mass-produced clothing, day in and day out, a vast majority of us cover our bodies with clothes the provenance of which we rarely take a moment to reflect on.
We believe the key to the mysteries of the universe and our souls is the most immediate knowledge of ourselves, e.g. knowing how much space we occupy. We invite you to join us on this path of self-gnosis. Sages have given us signs that it starts with breaking free from the shackles of the mass-produced approximation and imposition of “Small”, “Medium” and “Large”, size 4, size 6, size 10, etc.